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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hydration - Healthy Tip #22

Healthy Tip #22

When you don't drink the right amount of water, you gain weight, experience foggy thinking and your skin becomes dry.

The Solution
1. Drink the proper amount of water for you each day. (Learn how to calculate how much you need below)
2. Be aware of dehydrating activities that will require you to get more water such as: medications, working out, extreme weather, caffeine and alcohol.
3. Eat your water - eating fresh, juicy foods is the best food for you and great to help with hydration.
4. Time of day - drink half of your daily water needs before noon. Drink the other half before 6 pm. It's best to drink on an empty stomach. Never drink with meals or after meals. It is ok to resume drinking 1-2 hours after a meal.

Calculate Your Needs
To calculate your daily water needs, divide how much you weigh (in pounds) by two. The answer will tell you how many oz. of water you need per day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, drink 75 oz. of water.

What To Expect
As you begin to drink the right amount for you, the cravings for coffee and soda begin to disappear.

Dehydrating Drinks
Anything with caffeine, coffee, black and green tea, soda, drinks with sugar and alcohol.

Which Water?
Avoid - regular tap water and distilled water in plastic bottles
Acceptable - spring water delivered in glass bottles or tap water that has been purified.


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